How do Street Votes work?
Street votes allow the residents of a street to give itself the right to extend or redevelop their properties. You and your neighbours can work together to get more space and help with the housing crisis, all whilst ensuring development is of the highest quality.
Step One: Draw up a street plan
Work with your neighbours, with us, or perhaps a local architect, to design your vision for your street. This plan will set out exactly what development is allowed giving you control over the future of your street.
Step 2: Propose the plan and vote
Once enough of your neighbours approve of your plan a vote is held. If over 60% vote yes then the plan is adopted and everyone on the street now has planning permission to develop in line with the plan.
Step 3: You decide what to do with your permission
You are in complete control at every step of the way: including after the vote has passed. You can use the permission yourself, sell your property or just wait until you feel ready.
Street votes allow neighbours to work together to get the most out of their properties and help with the housing crisis. There are protections for your right to light, green space, the environment and more meaning that everyone stands to gain!
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